
时间:2020-07-04 作者:admin




Hello, my name is Joannie. I have a burning question about the word “yuan fen.” I recently heard it has made its way into the English vocabulary like feng shui, dim sum, and wok etc, is it true If not, how do we explain this particular Chinese phenomenon[现象] to the westerners Thank you.

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Yang Li: It’s clear that feng shui, dim sum, and wok have already made their way into the English language, but the phrase “yuan fen” has not yet.

Natalie: To find out the meaning

of this Chinese phrase, we spoke to a bilingual[双语的] expert at the BBC, Shirong.

Okay, the phrase “yuan fen” originally es from Sanskrit[梵文], Buddhism[佛教]. People talk about a kind of causal relationship[因果关系], you know, what caused something in the previous life and that would have an impact on your next life. That’s a kind of “yuan.” That’s why in the English language very often it’s translated as, kind of, destiny or fate. In that sense it is correct.


本篇论文网址 http://www.sxsky.net/yingyu/yyyyx/372280.html

“Yuan fen” is something that in English often gets translated as “it was meant to be.” It was my destiny. I was destined to be here. It’s fate. It was meant to be.


Natalie: But you can’t use the phrase to describe every situation when you happen to meet someone. Listen to Shirong again.

If we talk about people just a chance meeting and, you know等then it could be by luck. But the phrase is more often used in relationships. This man and a woman, or a boy and a girl are predestined[注定] to go together. They are predestined to meet, and get along, and even get married.


Natalie: I agree with Shirong. It’s very different when you happen to meet someone for a short while or to marry someone for life.

Yang Li: That’s right. Perhaps I could say in your case, Natalie, that it is by luck that you found the job, but it is “yuan fen” that brought you and your boyfriend together.

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于英语学习的论文范本 大学生适用: 专科毕业论文、学士学位论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 20 写作解决问题: 如何怎么撰写
毕业论文开题报告: 论文提纲、论文小结 职称论文适用: 技师论文、职称评中级
所属大学生专业类别: 如何怎么撰写 论文题目推荐度: 最新题目

The phrase “yuan fen” sometimes is described in a negative sense. A boy and a girl may meet, but their relationship may not last because they do not have the “yuan fen.” So, in that sense, there is another phrase in Chinese called “wu yuan”: you have no “yuan”, tough luck.


Natalie: That’s interesting. So when a marriage or relationship works out, you can say that’s “yuan fen,” that’s destiny. And when it didn’t work out, you would say “wu yuan,” tough luck or no luck.

Yang Li: That’s correct. Rather than trying to find a reason why a relationship didn’t work out, people just say, “Well, there is no yuan.” Thanks for listening and see you next time.

Natalie: Bye.


英语论文英语论文,论文题目:新课改实践中初中英语教学实践及反思,学校:山西省晋城市沁水县郑庄初中,姓名:杨李霞, 新课改实践中初中英语教学实践及反思,内。英语专业论文,英语课堂论。

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英语论文英语论文,论文题目:新课改实践中初中英语教学实践及反思,学校:山西省晋城市沁水县郑庄初中,姓名:杨李霞, 新课改实践中初中英语教学实践及反思,内。英语论文前言高中英语教。


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