
时间:2020-07-05 作者:admin


Reflection of Equivalent Cultural Effect on the Film Title Translation Abstract

摘 要:电影是一门雅俗共赏的艺术.随着中国和英语国家的文化交流越来越频繁,英语电影涌入中国市场.显然,电影标题是观众最先接触到的部分.就其翻译而言,应力求实现艺术的再创造以便观众理解原文化.因此,本文着力分析文化对等原则如何在电影标题的翻译过程中得以体现.

关 键 词 :电影标题;电影标题翻译;文化对等原则

[中图分类号]:H059 [文献标识码]:A


Talking about equivalent cultural effect, the theory of Dynamic Equivalence should be presented first. This theory is put forward by Nida (Eugene A Nida, 1964:156-225), which means the message has to be tailored to the receptor’s linguistic needs and cultural expectation and aims at plete naturalness of expression.

With regard to the film title translation, Dynamic Equivalence can be reflected in the following aspects: first of all, audiences are gods. As an art which is open to the public and exerts a strong influence on the public, the film title should be translated in a way that most familiar to and most accepted by the audiences. Secondly, it should play the advantage of the target language. Since there are some differences between Chinese and English languages and cultures, the word-by-word translation strategy would make the translated film title bee tedious in the target language. In order to achieve the equivalence, the writer should re-create the title to translate it in a more close and natural way in order to achieve the equivalence. Finally, just as mentioned before, the basic function of a film title is to make the content of the film stands out and convey its main information and cultural connotation. Furthermore, the film title should also be served as functions of establishing the emotional tone of the film and providing the aesthetical pleasure in order to attract the audiences and increase the box offices. The above mentioned points show that when translating the foreign film titles, cultural equivalence is essential in order to enable the audiences of the target language have similar responses with the audiences of the source language.

播放:31929次 评论:5302人

有关论文范文主题研究: 关于电影的论文范文集 大学生适用: 电大论文、学年论文
相关参考文献下载数量: 58 写作解决问题: 本科论文怎么写
毕业论文开题报告: 文献综述、论文小结 职称论文适用: 刊物发表、高级职称
所属大学生专业类别: 本科论文怎么写 论文题目推荐度: 优秀选题

本篇论文地址 http://www.sxsky.net/fanyi/426179.html

At the same time, we should bear in mind that translation is not only the process of Interlingua transfer, it is also a social phenomenon of munication between two cultures. It is mon to see that two words both in Chinese and English with the similar form can represent totally different content. For example, there is a foreign film called American Beauty, if the translator treat this title separately, he may misinterpret it into《美国丽人》. However, in English, American Beauty is the name of red roses which appeared in the film several times. Furthermore, some phrases and literary quotation contain abundant cultural information. Therefore, the translator cannot translate them literally.

Another example is the film title The Muse (《第六感女神》), Given the fact that the word “muse” in this title can be referred to the goddesses from the Greek mythology, it is translated as女神, in addition, “muse” has the meaning of “meditation” or “deep thought”, thus, it is freely translated as第六感女神to convey this meaning. In this example, the translator bines both the cultural and literal meaning of the word to make the non-English audience clear about the title.

In conclusion, English film titles always contain rich western cultures. As Sun (Zhili Sun, 2003:48-51) mentioned that applying foreignization can reach the aim of understanding and acknowledging the foreign cultures, in some cases, it has to convey cultural meanings to the non-English audience when translating them. Only when transla

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